Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the Adult Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Susan Pinkerton.

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Service Music:

Voluntary    Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator    Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)
Theme. Allegro religioso – Variation 1. Poco meno mosso – Variation 2. Allegretto – Variation 3. Andante espressivo

Veni Creator Spiritus is believed to have been composed by Rabanus Maurus in the 9th century. An invocation of the Holy Spirit, it has been included in many musical arrangements, including Gustav Holst’s 8th Symphony, as well as in the Duruflé set of variations for organ that frame our worship this morning.

Processional Hymn 225    Hail thee, festival day!    Salve festa dies

Gloria in excelsis S278     William Mathias (1934-1992)

Sequence Hymn   Spirit of gentleness   Spirit

James K. Manley was born in 1940 in Holyoke, Massachusetts, and received his education at Whittier College, Pacific School of Religion, and Claremont School of Theology, all in California. He was ordained to the ministry of the United Church of Christ in 1966. James K. Manley wrote the tune Spirit for his text of 1978, and it appeared in his collection After Eden (1990) with an arrangement by Jim Strathdee.

Offertory Anthem    Pentecost Carol    Richard Proulx (1937-2010)
Words: George Timms (1910-1997)

A mighty sound from heaven at Pentecost there came,
And filled the place of meeting with rushing wind and flame;
What Christ had promised now occurred as each Apostle spoke the word beneath the Spirit’s thunder,
And to the ears of all who heard proclaimed salvation’s wonder.

In Salem’s street was gathered a crowd from many a land,
And all in their own tongues did the Gospel understand:
For by the triumph of the Son the curse of Babel was undone when God did send the Spirit;
So to the Three in One be honor, praise, and merit.

Then come, all Christian people, Keep festival this day,
For God the Holy Spirit dwells in the Church alway:
And grieve him not, O Christian soul, his grace within shall make you whole in body, mind and Spirit;
To reach the promised goal, a kingdom to inherit.

Sanctus S128    William Mathias

Fraction Anthem S166  Agnus Dei     Gerald Near (b. 1942)

Communion Anthem    Eternal light   Leo Sowerby (1895-1968)
Words: Alcuin Albinus Flaccus (c. 735-804)

Eternal Light, shine into our hearts,
Eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil,
Eternal Power, be our support,
Eternal Wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance,
Eternal Pity, have mercy upon us;
that with all our heart and mind and soul and strength
we may seek thy face
and be brought by thy infinite mercy to thy holy presence;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Hymn in Procession 516    Come down, O Love divine    Down Ampney

Voluntary    Choral varié sur le thème du Veni Creator    Maurice Duruflé
Variation 4 ‘Final’. Allegro