Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m., sung by John Nowacki, sermon by Rev’d Linda Spiers.

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Service Music:

Voluntary    Prière après la communion from Livre du Sainte-Sacrement    Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)

Olivier Messiaen was one of the major composers of the 20th century, an ornithologist, and organist at Sainte-Trinité in Paris for 61 years. This morning’s voluntary is from his last composition, Livre du Sainte-Sacrement (Book of the Blessed Sacrament). It is a monumental work, with 18 movements and roughly follows the liturgical path of the Roman Catholic Mass. “Prière après la communion” (Prayer after communion) represents the culmination of a life of research and noting various birdcalls throughout the world. In this case, Messiaen noted birdcalls while in Jerusalem and uses them in a “call-and-response.” In this haunting piece, the two birds seem to be reflecting on having just received the Blessed Sacrament.

Opening Hymn 524 vv 1,3,5    I love thy kingdom, Lord    St. Thomas (Williams)

Offertory Anthem    Breath of God, 1984    Dorothy Howell Sheets

Breath of God, life bearing wind,
waking matter into birth,
planting promise, prompting hope:
with your life renew the earth.

Breath of God, word bearing wind,
truth-revealer, prophet’s speech,
guide to vistas of the mind:
let your word excite and teach.

Breath of God, fire bearing wind,
source of power, love, and light,
melting fears and joining tongues:
with your fire our hearts ignite.

Breath of God, song bearing wind,
stirring wonder to rejoice,
yearning’s echo, grace’s dance:
let your song give our prayers voice.

Sanctus S128   William Mathias

Closing Hymn vv. 1,2,4    God be with you till we meet again    Randolph

Voluntary    Toccata in F    Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

Ray Giolitto, assisting organist