
Celebration of Ministry Brunch

All adults are invited to come learn more about parish ministries while enjoying a delicious brunch to celebrate the beginning of our program year.

Kick-off Sunday for children & youth programs (ice cream included!)

As we begin a new program year, we will have two special events for children, youth, and families: An acolyte lunch and training at noon (new and returning acolytes) and an ice cream social for all children, youth, and families at 1:30pm, with a sneak peek at the year ahead.

Choral Evensong

The ancient and beautiful service of Choral Evensong is presented on the fourth Sunday of selected months at St. John’s.

Celtic Worship & Potluck Supper

Celtic worship, held in Hubbard Hall, is somewhat less formal than Sunday morning worship, and includes music, prayer, silence, and chant. All ages are welcome.

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