Holy Eucharist Rite II at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. sung by the Choir School and Adult Choir with brass and timpani, sermon by the Rev’d Todd FitzGerald.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Variations: Allegro vivace from Symphonie V Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
Processional Hymn 207 Jesus Christ is risen today Easter Hymn
Song of Praise 417 This is the feast Festival Canticle (10:30 only)
Sequence Hymn 199 Come, ye faithful, raise the strain St. Kevin
Offertory Anthem Offertory Anthem Hallelujah from Messiah Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Hallelujah! For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ,
And He shall reign forever and ever, King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Sanctus S125 Richard Proulx (1937-2010)
Fraction Anthem Christ our Passover Jeffrey Rickard (b. 1942)
Communion Anthem My master from a garden rose Eleanor Daley (b. 1955)
Text: Gordon Young
My master in a garden lay, perfumed with spices rare,
for tender hands had laid him there to rest amid the roses.
Twas’ on a cross they laid him there, and kissed his hands with nails,
that we would then might live again and be with him in glory.
My master from a garden rose, to go for us to heaven.
And he will come again to take us there, to be with him forever.
Alleluia! Amen.
Communion Hymn 305 Come, risen Lord Rosedale
Closing Hymn 210 The day of resurrection Ellacombe
Voluntary Toccata (Symphonie V) Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937)
Music: The St. John’s Adult Choir (8:00), The Saint John’s Choir School and Adult Choir (10:30)
Organist/Choirmaster: Scott Lamlein
Organ scholar: Ted Babbitt
Trumpeters: Tom Hintz, Jeff Higgins
Timpani: Ed Fast