Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the St. John’s Youth Choir, sermon by our graduating Seniors.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Verse on the 6th tone A.V. den Kerckhoven (1627-1673)
Prelude Flor Peeters (1903-1986)
Philip Tummescheit, organ
Processional Hymn 225 Hail thee, festival day! Salve festa dies
Gloria in excelsis S278 William Mathias (1934-1992)
Sequence Hymn For the beauty of the earth Dix
Offertory Anthem Gracious spirit, dwell with me K. Lee Scott (b. 1950)
Text: Thomas T. Lynch, 1855
Gracious Spirit, dwell with me, I would gracious be;
Help me now thy grace to see, I would be like thee;
And, with words that help and heal, thy life would mine reveal;
And, with actions bold and meek, for Christ, my Savior, speak.
Truthful Spirit, dwell with me, I would truthful be;
Help me now thy truth to see, I would be like thee;
And, with wisdom kind and clear, thy life in mine appear;
And, with actions brotherly, speak Christ’s sincerity.
Holy Spirit, dwell with me, I would holy be;
Show thy mercy tenderly, make me more like thee;
Separate from sin, I would and cherish all things good,
And whatever I can be give him who gave me thee.
Mighty Spirit, dwell with me, I would mighty be;
Help me now thy pow’r to see, I would be like thee;
‘Gainst all weapons hell can wield, be thou my strength and shield;
Let thy word my weapon be, Lord, thine the victory.
Sanctus S128 William Mathias
Fraction Anthem S166 Agnus Dei Gerald Near (b. 1942)
Communion Anthem Veni Creator Spiritus Gregorian Chant
Closing Hymn 405 All things bright and beautiful Royal Oak
Closing Song He’s got the whole world in his hands Traditional