Sharing God’s love with one another

The parish clergy are available to visit people who are homebound or in the hospital, and to talk or meet with those in need of pastoral support. A small group of parishioners also maintains regular phone contact with homebound members. Call the church office to make arrangements, or to learn more about any of the following pastoral care ministries.

Healing Prayer Ministry

At the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service, volunteer members of the healing prayer team are available to pray with those who are in need of healing, whether physical, spiritual or emotional, for themselves or for someone else. All prayer requests are held in confidence. To request healing prayers, go to the baptismal font (at the back of the nave) after receiving communion. Click here to watch a brief video about this ministry.

Parish Prayer List

Our parish prayer list is included in the Sunday bulletin each week. If you’d like to add your name, or someone else’s name, to the prayer list, contact the parish office. If you’d like to add someone else’s name, please ask for their permission to list their full name; otherwise, we will list their first name only. We keep names on the list for 4 to 8 weeks, unless asked to keep a name on there indefinitely due to an ongoing situation.

Prayer Shawl Knitters

Prayer shawls are knitted by parishioners both in group settings and by people knitting in places convenient for their schedules. Prayer shawls are offered to those who are ill or who are experiencing a time of special need.

Pastoral Care

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