A place to discover connections with God and each other in Christ

Every worship service, program, and event at St. John’s is a collaborative effort involving many parish volunteers as well as clergy and staff. Here are a few of the ways you can volunteer to support St. John’s parish and community life. For more information about any of the ministries listed below, contact the parish office and we will connect you with the coordinator of that ministry.

Worship Ministries

ACOLYTES: Assist at worship by carrying the processional cross and serving at the altar. Youth in grade 3 and older are invited to participate. All training is provided.

ALTAR GUILD: Prepare the altar and church for worship services and care for the vestments and altar vessels. Instructions are provided.

CHOIR: Sing at the 10:30 AM Sunday services from September through June and at other occasional services and special events and concerts. Rehearsals are on Sundays and some Wednesdays. THE ST. JOHN’S CHOIR SCHOOL (youth age 7 1/2 and older) sings every other week and at major services and concerts. Rehearsals are on most Wednesdays, one Friday a month, and some Sundays; their rehearsal schedule allows them to attend Sunday School and participate in youth group. Learn more here.

HEALING PRAYERS MINISTERS: Provide prayer support to those seeking prayer for themselves or others. Healing prayers are provided at the 10:30 Sunday Holy Eucharist year-round. Those requesting prayers may go to the baptismal font after receiving communion to share their confidential prayer requests with the healing team member on duty. Periodic meetings are held to nurture the spiritual development of the healing team and provide training. For more information, watch this brief video from the chair of the Healing Ministry.

LAY EUCHARIST MINISTERS & LAYREADERS: These parishioners serve as lectors, intercessors and chalice bearers during the Sunday morning and other special services, assisting with Holy Communion and reading the lessons and prayers. Each volunteer assists at Sunday services approximately once a month.

USHERS: Ushers serve at the main Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. to greet people, hand out bulletins, and assist with communion logistics. Ushers also help respond if there is a medical or other emergency during a service. Each usher is assigned to a team of 6 to 7 people. Each team serves approximately once a month, and only 3 or 4 of them need to serve on a particular Sunday.

Music Ministry Support

CHOIR DINNERS: Sharing a meal together is a highlight of Wednesday evening Adult Choir and Choir School rehearsals. Volunteers provide the meal and help with set-up and clean-up. You do not have to be a choir member or choir parent to provide dinner, or to partake in the meal!

MUSIC LIBRARY: Help organize, catalog, distribute, and maintain our extensive library of sacred choral music.

MUSIC AT THE RED DOOR USHERS: Ushers welcome people to St. John’s for concerts and special music events, distribute programs, and respond to needs that arise during the concert.

Pastoral Care Ministries

“JUST CALL” LIST: A list of parishioners willing to be called on for ad hoc needs, such as meals or babysitting for parishioners in need, set-up for special events, and other needs as they arise. Contact the parish manager to add your name to the list.

PRAYER SHAWLS: Knit shawls and present to parishioners in times of need or as a blessing. Knit on your own at home, or come to church for occasional group meetings to knit and talk with one another.

Fellowship Ministries

COFFEE HOUR GREETER: Staff our “Information Station” cart at coffee hour after the 10:30 service, and greet people, especially those who are new or you don’t know. Providing food (pastries, bagels, fruit, etc.) is welcome but optional.


CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL: This popular even is held the first Saturday in December to raise funds to support St. John’s and to promote fellowship within the parish and the wider community. Parishioners make crafts, serve homemade lunches, and offer goods and services for auction and for sale. The festival is publicized in the Greater Hartford area and open to the public.

SPRING FLING & FOOD AUCTION: The auction is a fun social event featuring food, drinks, live music, and food-related items that attendees can bid on through silent and live auctions. Auction items range from delicious cookies and cakes to summer garden parties or theme dinners to be scheduled at a later date.

Stewardship, Budget & Investment

FINANCE COMMITTEE: Work with the rector, wardens, and treasurers to oversee, assess, and manage the church’s financial resources and decision-making.

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: Manage our endowment and investment policies.

PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE: Encourage parishioners to include St. John’s in their estate planning and assist them in doing so.

STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: Help manage the annual stewardship campaign to encourage parishioners to make an annual pledge to the church in response to God’s abundant blessings. St. John’s stewardship campaigns focus on grace, gratitude, and generosity.

Facilities Ministries

HOUSE COMMITTEE:  This committee is responsible for the stewardship of our property—for its maintenance, comfort, safety, and aesthetics, and for ensuring that our buildings and grounds are used in ways that support our mission in the world.

St. John's Chalice

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