Return to program year worship schedule
Services at 8 and 10:30am, and Christian education for all ages at 9:30am.
Services at 8 and 10:30am, and Christian education for all ages at 9:30am.
All adults are invited to come learn more about parish ministries while enjoying a delicious brunch to celebrate the beginning of our program year.
As we begin a new program year, we will have two special events for children, youth, and families: An acolyte lunch and training at noon (new and returning acolytes) and an ice cream social for all children, youth, and families at 1:30pm, with a sneak peek at the year ahead.
The ancient and beautiful service of Choral Evensong is presented on the fourth Sunday of selected months at St. John’s.
You’ll find it impossible to sit still during this evening featuring Afro-Cuban influenced rhythms and soulful, creative music and dance.
All are invited to bring their pets for a short service of blessing and thanksgiving in honor of St. Francis of Assisi.