Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. with the St. John’s Adult Choir & Choir School, and the Hot Cat Jazz Band, sermon by the Rev’d Todd FitzGerald

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Service Music:

Voluntary    The Hot Cat Jazz Band
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Come Sunday
Down By the Riverside

Processional Hymn    Shall we gather at the river

Hymn of Praise 599     Lift every voice and sing

Sequence Hymn    How great thou art

Offertory Anthem    A Repeating Alleluia    Calvin Hampton (1938-1984)

(George) Calvin Hampton was a leading American organist and sacred music composer. From 1963 to 1983 Hampton was organist and choirmaster at Calvary Episcopal Church in Manhattan. His “Fridays at Midnight” organ recital series, which ran from 1974 to 1983, was among the most well-known and popular organ recital series in American history, where he permitted the audience to sit next to the console, collected donations in an organ pipe, and served warm apple cider. Before Hampton’s death, Erik Routley, an authority on church music, called Hampton “the greatest living composer of hymn tunes.”

Sanctus  S129    Robert Powell

Fraction anthem S163    Robert Powell

Communion Anthem    Precious Lord, take my hand

Communion Hymn    This little light of mine

Closing Hymn    When the Saints Go Marching In

O when the saints go marching in
When the saints go marching in
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in

And when the sun begins to shine
And when the sun begins to shine
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the sun begins to shine

O when the trumpet sounds the call
O when the trumpet sounds the call
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the trumpet sounds the call

And on that hallelujah day
On that hallelujah day
O Lord I want to be in that number
On that hallelujah day

O when the saints go marching in
When the saints go marching in
O Lord I want to be in that number
When the saints go marching in

The Hot Cat Jazz Band:
Ross Tucker: trumpet
Andy Sherwood: clarinet
Chris Coulter: tenor sax
Sonny Landolfi: guitar
Dave Uhl: bass
Sal Ranniello: drums