Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:00 a.m. with hymns, sermon by the Rev’d Margie Baker.
Click here: Service Bulletin
This service will only be presented in-person.
Service Music:
Voluntary Gymnopedie No. 1 Eric Satie (1866-1925), arr. Ted Babbitt
Opening Hymn 290 Come, ye thankful people, come St. George’s, Windsor
Sequence Hymn 433 We gather together Kremser
Offertory Music Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV 199 Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
Communion Hymn 321 My God, thy table now is spread Rockingham
Closing Hymn 397 Now thank we all our God Nun danket alle Gott
Voluntary Praise: Now Thank We All Our God Robert Edward Smith (b. 1946)
Ted Babbitt, guest organist