Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. with the St. John’s Adult Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Todd FitzGerald.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Larghetto and Allegro Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Processional Hymn 56 O come, O come, Emmanuel Veni, veni, Emmanuel
Kyrie Eleison S96 Franz Schubert (1797-1828); arr. Richard Proulx (1937-2010)
Sequence Hymn 66 Come, thou long expected Jesus Stuttgart
Offertory Anthem The Word was God Rosephayne Powell (b. 1962)
Text: John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
And the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made that have been made.
Nothing was made, He has not made.
All things were made by Him.
Rosephanye Dunn Powell has been hailed as one of America’s premier composers of choral music. She has a diverse and impressive catalogue of works published by some of the nation’s leading publishers. Her compositions include sacred and secular works for mixed chorus, women’s chorus, men’s chorus, and children’s voices. Her style of composition is characterized by heartfelt melodies, strong rhythmic emphasis, rich harmonies, often derived from African-American popular styles, and varied vocal textures, including counterpoint. Powell’s works are popular throughout the world, particularly in Europe and Asia. She is in constant demand as a composer-in-residence, clinician, adjudicator, conductor, and performer.
Sanctus S130 Franz Schubert; arr. Richard Proulx
Fraction Anthem S164 Jesus, Lamb of God Franz Schubert; arr. Richard Proulx
Communion Anthem Zion hears the watchmen calling Benjamin P. Straley (b. 1986)
Zion hears the watchmen calling, the Faithful hark with joy enthralling.
They rise and haste to greet the Lord.
See, he comes, the Lord victorious, almighty, noble true, and glorious, in heaven supreme, on earth adored.
Come now, thou holy one, the Lord Jehovah’s son!
Hosianna! We follow all the joyful call to join him in the banquet hall.
The Rev’d Benjamin Straley is rector of S. Stephen’s Church in Providence, and is also a noted concert organist who performed here in 2020. He was Organist and Associate Director of Music at Washington National Cathedral. Prior to this appointment, he was Organ Scholar at Trinity Church, New Haven as well as Director of Music for the Episcopal Church at Yale. He completed his undergraduate studies with Marilyn Keiser at Indiana University, and entered the Yale Institute of Sacred Music in 2008. In 2010, he became one of the few Americans in the history of the Haarlem Organ Festival to compete in its world-renowned improvisation contest. He holds both Masters in Music and Divinity from Yale, as well as a Certificate in Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School.
Communion Hymn 53 Once he came in blessing Gottes Sohn ist kommen
Hymn in Procession 68 Rejoice, rejoice believers Llangloffan
Voluntary Siciliana and Giga Georg Frideric Handel
Betsy Chicares, flutist