Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. with the St. John’s Adult Choir & Choir School, sermon by The Rev’d Todd FitzGerald.

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Service Music:

Voluntary    Chant Vespéral (op. 112, no. 12)    Rachel Laurin (1961-2023)

Processional Hymn 525    The Church’s One Foundation    Aurelia

Song of Praise    Dignus es    Benjamin P. Straley (b. 1986)

Sequence Hymn 493    O for a thousand tongues to sing    Azmon

Offertory    My eyes for beauty pine    Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Text: Robert Bridges (1844-1930)

My eyes for beauty pine, my soul for Goddes grace,
No other care or hope is mine, to heaven I turn my face.

One splendour thence is shed from all the stars above;
‘Tis named when God’s name is said, ’tis love, ’tis heavenly love.

And every heart that burns with true desire,
Is lit from eyes that mirror part of that celestial fire.

Herbert Howells, arguably more than anyone influenced British church music in the 20th century. He completed this anthem on Boxing Day, December 26, 1925. The chorus maintains a modest and humble unison texture until the “splendour” that is shed from above is revealed as God’s name, which is heavenly love.

Sanctus S125    Richard Proulx (1937-2010)

Fraction Anthem    Be Known to us, Lord Jesus    Gary James (b. 1957)

Communion Motet    Ave verum corpus    Stephanie Martin (b. 1962)
Text attributed to Pope Innocent VI (d. 1362)

Ave, verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine, vere passum immolatum in Cruce pro homine,
Cujus latus perforatum unda fluxit sanguine, esto nobis praegustatum in mortis examine.

Hail, true body born of the Virgin Mary, who truly suffered, sacrificed on the Cross for man,
Whose pierced side overflowed with blood, Be for us a foretaste in the test of death.

An award-winning composer and conductor, Stephanie Martin has wide musical interests ranging from Gregorian chant to gamelan; from Froberger to folksong. A guardian of musical heritage and a creative collaborator, she is known for imaginative programming and for creating sustainable musical communities.

Communion Hymn 773    Heal me, hands of Jesus    Sharpe

Hymn in Procession 423    Immortal, invisible    St. Denio

Voluntary    Improvisation on St. Denio