Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the St. John’s Adult Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Todd FitzGerald.
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Service Music:
Note on this Sunday’s music: This is the third annual Woman Composer Sunday, on which church musicians around the world honor women who have contributed to the church music canon, in recognition of the historical predominance of men in this field. Women wrote the text and/or music for all of this morning’s organ and choral pieces. Celebrating Woman Composer Sunday is one piece of our ongoing effort toward an expansive and inclusive church music repertoire that reflects the contributions of all kinds of people.
Voluntary Variations on Nettleton Undine Smith Moore
Silent Procession
Kyrie eleison S-84 Gregorian Chant, Orbis factor
Sequence Hymn 686 Come, thou fount of every blessing Nettleton
Offertory Anthem God so loved the world (2014) Brittney Boykin (b. 1989)
Text: John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
B.E. Boykin is a native of Alexandria, Virginia and graduated from Spelman College with a B.A. in Music. Ms. Boykin received her M.M. in Sacred Music with a concentration in Choral Studies from Westminster Choir College. She continued to compose music during her time at Westminster, and was awarded the R and R Young Composition Prize just a few months shy of graduating.
Ms. Boykin currently serves as Assistant Director/Accompanist for the Spelman College Glee Club. Her most recent commissioned work, “We Sing as One,” was commissioned to celebrate Spelman’s College’s 133rd Anniversary of its founding. Ms. Boykin’s instrumental and choral works are currently being published and distributed through her own publishing company, Klavia Press.
Sanctus Gregorian Chant, Deus Genitor alme
Fraction Anthem Agnus Dei Gregorian Chant, Deus Genitor alme
Communion Anthem When from bondage we are summoned Carl Haywood (b. 1949)
Text: Dolores Dufner, OSB (b. 1939)
When from bondage we are summoned
Out of darkness into light,
We must go by hope and patience,
Walk by faith and not by sight.
Let us throw off all that hinders;
Let us run the race to win!
Let us hasten to our homeland
And, rejoicing, enter in.
When our God names us his people,
Then he leads us by the hand
Through a lonely, barren desert,
To a great and glorious land. Refrain
Communion Hymn 671 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound New Britain
Hymn in Procession 690 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah Cwm Rhondda
Voluntary Praise to the Lord Emma Lou Diemer
Emma Lou Diemer’s music has been published since 1957 and ranges from hymns and songs to large chamber and orchestral works. She is a native of Kansas City and received her composition degrees from Yale and from Eastman. She is professor emeritus at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and has served as organist in various churches, most recently at First Presbyterian in Santa Barbara. Diemer is a keyboard performer and over the years has given concerts of her own organ works at Washington National Cathedral, The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, Grace Cathedral and St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco, and others. Her compositional style over the years has varied from tonal to atonal, from traditional to experimental. She has over 150 compositions to her name, and continues to write – at the age of 94.