Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the St. John’s Adult Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Margie Baker.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Prelude on Quelle est cette odeur agréable (Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing?) Dale Wood (1934-2003)
Dale Wood was a renowned composer, organist, and choral director best known for his church music compositions. Wood began writing compositions at a young age. When he was 13 years old, he won a national hymn-writing contest for the American Lutheran Church.
Processional Hymn 640 Watchman, tell us of the night Aberystwyth
Kyrie S-89 James McGregor, after Hans Leo Hassler
Sequence Hymn Prepare the way (2015) Zanaida Robles (b. 1979)
Text: Frans Mikael Franzen, adap. Charles P. Price
Prepare the way, O Zion,
your Christ is drawing near!
Let every hill and valley
a level way appear.
Greet One who comes in glory,
foretold in sacred story.
Oh blest is Christ that came
in God’s most holy name.
He brings God’s rule, O Zion;
he comes from heaven above.
His rule is peace and freedom,
and justice, truth, and love.
Lift high your praise resounding,
for grace and joy abounding.
Oh blest is Christ that came
in God’s most holy name.
Fling wide your gates, O Zion;
your Savior’s rule embrace.
His tidings of salvation
proclaim in every place.
All lands will bow before him,
their voices will adore him.
Oh blest is Christ that came
in God’s most holy name.
Offertory Anthem There is no rose Philip Stopford (b. 1977)
Text: Anonymous, 14th century
Adult Choir, recorded Christmas Eve 2019
There is no rose of such virtue
As is the rose that bare Jesu;
For in this rose contained was
Heaven and earth in little space;
Res miranda. (Thing of wonder)
By that rose we may well see
There be one God in persons three,
Pares forma. (Equal in form)
The angels sungen the shepherds to:
Gloria in excelsis deo: (Glory to God in the highest)
Gaudeamus. (Let us rejoice)
Leave we all this worldly mirth,
And follow we this joyful birth;
Transeamus. (Let us follow)
Philip Stopford is a contemporary English composer who began his career as a youth chorister at Westminster Abbey, singing under Simon Preston and Martin Neary. His music is equally popular with American choirs as it is with English ones, due to his accessible yet thought-provoking compositional style. Our Youth Choir (along with the choir of St. James’s Church and the Trinity College Chapel Singers) premiered Psalm 150 by Philip at the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival in October, 2017.
Sanctus S130 Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Fraction anthem S164 Jesus, lamb of God Franz Schubert
Communion Anthem The waiting sky Oliver Tarney (b. 1984)
Text: Lucinda Quinault (b. 1969)
The trees are bare,
green fields where puddles hold the waiting sky.
The cows move slowly,
their breathing clouds the air as they walk by.
What if the clouds smother the shining star?
We’ll know it’s there.
Warm light will fill the puddles,
and the cows will stop and stare.
Communion Hymn 324 Let all mortal flesh keep silence Picardy
Hymn in Procession 72 Hark! the glad sound! Richmond
Voluntary Toccata in F Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707)