Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m., sung by Odanice Olibrice, sermon by Rev’d Molly James.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Variations on America Charles Wesley (1757-1834)
Opening Hymn 657 Love divine, all loves excelling Hyfrydol
Sequence Hymn 482 Lord of all hopefulness Slane
Offertory Anthem Lead me, guide me Doris Akers (1922-1995)
Odanice Olibrice, soloist
Lead me, guide me, along the way,
for if you lead me, I cannot stray.
Lord, let me walk each day with thee.
Lead me, O Lord, lead me.
I am weak and I need thy strength and power
to help me over my weakest hour.
Help me through the darkness thy face to see.
Lead me, O Lord, lead me. Refrain
I am lost if you take your hand from me,
I am blind without thy Light to see.
Lord, just always let me thy servant be.
Lead me, O Lord, lead me. Refrain
Sanctus S128 William Mathias (1934-1992)
Closing Hymn 717 My country,’tis of thee America
Voluntary Marche-Sortie Théodore Dubois (1827-1924)
Josh Ziemski, assisting organist