Dear friends,
Greetings of God’s peace and love to you and your families during this most trying time. As you are aware, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our building is closed and the staff is working remotely at home, with frequent Zoom meetings, telephone calls, texts and email exchanges to keep our faith community informed and connected as we weather this storm together.
Like many of you who are having to put into place new schedules for your daily lives while working from home, the staff at St. John’s is doing the same. In an effort to provide our staff with a healthy balance of work and personal time while our building is closed, we have set up a revised “office hours” and “days off” schedule as follows:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Clergy and staff days off during the work week:
Susan – Monday
Scott – Thursday
Margie – Friday
Peggy – Monday, Friday
All calls, texts and emails sent outside of office hours or during someone’s day off will be returned the next working day, unless it is a pastoral emergency. Be assured that we will be notified immediately of all pastoral emergency messages left on our office voicemail. These messages are directed to the clergy’s cell phones and we will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together to care for and support each other through these difficult days.