Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the Adult Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Hope Eakins.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Prelude Cesar Franck (1822-1890)
Processional Hymn 435 At the name of Jesus King’s Weston
Gloria in excelsis S278 William Mathias (1934-1992)
Sequence Hymn 495 Hail, thou once despised Jesus In Babilone
Offertory Anthem Thou God of truth and love Malcolm Archer (b. 1952)
Words: Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
Thou God of truth and love,
We seek thy perfect way,
Ready thy choice to approve,
Thy providence to obey:
Enter into thy wise design,
And sweetly lose our will in thine.
Why hast thou cast our lot
In the same age and place?
And why together brought
To see each other’s face?
To join with softest sympathy,
And mix our friendly souls in thee?
Didst thou not make us one,
That we might one remain,
Together travel on,
And bear each other’s pain;
Till all thy utmost goodness prove,
And rise renewed in perfect love?
O may thy Spirit seal
Our souls unto that day,
With all thy fulness fill,
And then transport away!
Away to our eternal rest,
Away to our Redeemer’s breast!
Malcolm Archer’s setting of this Charles Wesley text contains a highly lyrical melody and emotional connection. Pay special attention to the dramatic treatment of the middle verse: “Didst Thou not make us one, that being one we must remain? Together, travel on, and bear each others’ pain.” The text and tune lift up a universal message of following Christ, serving others, and God being with us in times of trouble.
Sanctus S128 William Mathias
Fraction Anthem S166 Agnus Dei Gerald Near (b. 1942)
Communion Anthem Oculi omnium Charles Wood (1866-1926)
Words: Psalm 144:15
Oculi omnium in te spirant Domine: et tu das illis escam in tempore opportune. Gloria tibi Domine. Amen.
The eyes of all wait upon thee, O Lord: and thou givest them their meat in due season. Glory be to thee, O Lord. Amen.
Hymn in Procession 544 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Duke Street
Voluntary Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Assisting Organist: Christa Rakich