Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the Youth Choir, sermon by the Rev’d Susan Pinkerton.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Short Prelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 557 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Processional Hymn 535 Ye servant of God, your Master proclaim Paderborn
Gloria S280 Robert Powell (b.1932)
Sequence Hymn 339 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness Schmücke dich
Offertory Anthem Maria, mater gratiae Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Words: Cantus diversi in honorem Blessed Virgin Mary
Maria, Mater gratiae, dulcis Parens clementiae, tu nos ab hoste protege, et mortis hora suscipe. Jesu, tibi sit gloria, qui natus es de Virgine, cum Patre et almo Spiritu, in sempiterna saecula. Amen.
Mary gracious mother, sweet fount of mercy, protect us from the foe and receive us in our hour of death. Jesu, born of the Virgin, glory be to thee with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
French composer, Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), is regarded as one of the greatest masters of art song. His contribution to the genre has impacted countless other artists in the twentieth century. As a composer of sacred music, Fauré’s output is significantly smaller, totaling only eight opuses, among them the popular Requiem, Op. 48, which our choirs will perform in concert on March 11. Fauré wrote Maria, mater gratiae in close proximity to the Requiem – during a somewhat turbulent time in his life. Between the ages and thirty-five and forty-five, Fauré struggled with depression. Although he enjoyed a rather successful career, a broken engagement caused his personal life to become unstable, ultimately impacting his output as a composer. In this sense, Maria, Mater gratiae belongs to the late part of Fauré’s ‘melancholy’ decade – a time during which the composer was coming out of the dark period in his life.
Sanctus S130 Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Fraction anthem S164 Jesus, lamb of God Franz Schubert
Communion Anthem Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester Louie L. White (1921-1979)
O holy Jesus,
Most merciful redeemer,
Friend and brother,
May I know thee more clearly,
Love thee more dearly,
And follow thee more nearly.
Born to a noble family in the late 12th century, Richard of Chichester was educated at Oxford, and during a life worthy of canonization, was appointed Chancellor of Oxford University. Later becoming a priest, he lived a life of simple vegetarian frugality, and as Bishop of Chichester, Richard was instrumental in major reform to the manners and morals of his clergy. Canonized in 1262, his shrine eventually became so popular that King Henry VIII ordered it destroyed. On his deathbed in 1253, Richard is believed to have uttered a prayer containing these words.
Closing Hymn in Procession 438 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord Woodlands
Voluntary Trumpet Tune in D John Stanley (1713-1786)