Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m. sung by the Youth and Adult Choirs with the Hot Cat Jazz Band, sermon by the Rev’d Susan Pinkerton.
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Service Music:
Voluntary Hymns by the Hot Cat Jazz Band
We’ll understand it better by and by
Come Sunday
Let us break bread together
By now you have noticed that things are a little different this morning! Our music today is led by the Hot Cat Jazz Band, a local Dixieland-style band that specializes in Jazz Worship – they do many of these services throughout Connecticut every year. The service music responses continue to be our traditional music with organ to provide an anchor in our traditional worship style; but everything else, including and especially the hymns, are a time for you to tap your toes, move about, and sing praise with freedom and joy. Don’t be afraid – join in and sing loudly!
Processional Hymn Shall we gather at the river At the River
Gloria S280 Robert Powell (b.1932)
Sequence Hymn Swing low, sweet chariot Swing Low
Offertory Anthem What a friend we have in Jesus Harold M. Best, 1985
Words: Joseph Scriven (1819-1866), found at hymn 109.
Sanctus S130 Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Fraction anthem S164 Jesus, lamb of God Franz Schubert
Communion Anthem Agnus Dei (from A Little Jazz Mass) Bob Chilcott (b. 1955)
Latin words from the Eucharist liturgy, at the Breaking of the Bread.
Closing Hymn in Procession Take my hand, precious Lord Precious Lord
Voluntary When the saints go marching in
The Hot Cat Jazz Band:
Trumpet: Ross Tucker
Clarinet: Andy Sherwood
Trombone: Tom Boates
Guitar: Norman Johnson
Bass: Donn Doucette
Drums: Sal Ranniello